Publication date: Available online 26 March 2014
Source:Building and Environment
Author(s): G.M. Revel , M. Arnesano
This paper presents the results of a study on the quantitative estimation of the thermal comfort level in sport facilities with the aim of supporting the development of comfort-based metering and energy control systems for such buildings. The investigations are conducted in two typical areas, gym and swimming pool, during spring and summer period respectively. Standardised and subjective measurements are performed and compared to assess the impact of the activity rate, combined with the sport environment and clothing, on systematic errors in comfort evaluation using the Fanger’s indices. The standardised campaign consists of the measurement of the air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air humidity and air velocity to evaluate the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote). The subjective measurements involve the use of surveys on the thermal environment perception together with a judgment on the seven points thermal sensation scale to evaluate the TSV (Thermal Sensation Vote). Results show how the methodology proposed for the estimation of personal factors specific for this application allows the use of the PMV model for sport buildings. Finally a shift of the neutrality point of comfort is revealed and quantified. The presented work is developed as a part of the FP7 UE project SportE2.
Source:Building and Environment
Author(s): G.M. Revel , M. Arnesano